Opioids: A national crisis needs a federal response

…and Democrats in recent years. On March 15, the U.S. Center for Disease Control released a national Guideline for Prescribing Opioids for Chronic Pain. Then, on March 18, the U.S….

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Researchers urge medical marijuana over opioids to treat neuropathic pain

…Canadians are the second-largest per capita consumer of opioids in the world. “Opioids are killing people right now,” said Dr. Kerr, whose previous research helped prove the efficacy of Vancouver’s…

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Curb ‘rampant prescribing of opioids and reduce deaths,’ Canadian doctors say

…overprescribing of opioids, and expand treatment facilities and services for addiction, especially through care providers. The federal government is holding a national summit on opioids in Ottawa on Nov. 18….

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Family doctors key to screening for addiction in B.C. fight against opioids

…possible, she said. Johnson said some doctors who have taken the training shared that they were “scared” to deal with patients hooked on opioids because they lacked adequate medical expertise….

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Purdue Pharma to stop marketing opioids to U.S. physicians, but policy not extended to Canada

…marketing opioids to U.S. physicians. However, the new policy does not extend into Canada. Purdue Pharma L.P. announced the change in a statement issued on the weekend. “We have restructured…

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Drug users, advocates fear federal election may sideline safer opioids policy

…safer supply of opioids a priority, even as the country’s chief public health officer has promised to review such a plan. Leslie McBain of Moms Stop the Harm said the…

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Physicians to try six-month implant treatment to treat addiction to opioids

VANCOUVER — Canadians addicted to opioids may be eligible for an implant that provides an ongoing low dose of medication for six months, with the potential for treatment for up…

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Daphne Bramham: Alcohol, not opioids, is Canada’s biggest drug problem

With so much focus on illicit drugs and overdose deaths, it might seem that opioids are the biggest addictions problem. Far from it. Alcohol kills many more people each year…

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