Chayama KL, Ti L, Arredondo Sanchez Lira J, Coulaud PJ, Bardwell G, Knight R Opportunities and challenges for implementing drug checking services in British Columbia, Canada: a qualitative study Int J Drug Policy PubMed

Chayama KL, Ng C, Ivsins A, Small W, Knight R, McNeil R "Everybody looks at it as drug use instead of pain management": Experiences of chronic pain and its management among older people living with HIV who use drugs in Vancouver, British Columbia Drug Alcohol Depend PubMed

Coulaud PJ, Chayama KL, Schwartz C, Purdie A, Lysyshyn M, Ti L, Knight R Implementation opportunities and challenges to piloting a community-based drug-checking intervention for sexual and gender minority men in Vancouver, Canada: a qualitative study Harm Reduct J PubMed

Fleming T, Boyd J, Chayama KL, Knight KR, McNeil R Using alone at home: What's missing in housing-based responses to the overdose crisis? Harm Reduct J PubMed

Goodyear T, Chayama KL, Oliffe JL, Kia H, Fast D, Mniszak C, Knight R, Jenkins E Intersecting transitions among 2S/LGBTQ+ youth experiencing homelessness: a scoping review Child Youth Serv Rev Link

Chayama KL, Ng C, Fleming T, Small W, Sue KL, McNeil R Housing-based syringe services programs to improve access to safer injecting equipment for people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada: a spatially oriented qualitative study Harm Reduct J PubMed

Chayama KL, Valleriani J, Ng C, Haines-Saah R, Capler R, Milloy MJ, Small W, McNeil R The role of cannabis in pain management among people living with HIV who use drugs: a qualitative study Drug Alcohol Rev PubMed

Chayama KL, Ng C, Small W, Ivsins A, McNeil R "It's a burden, it's a nuisance. I wish I didn't have these other ailments": a qualitative exploration of comorbidities management among older people living with HIV who use drugs in Vancouver, British Columbia J Int AIDS Soc PubMed

Chayama KL, Ng C, McNeil R Calls for access to safe injecting supplies as a critical public health measure during the COVID-19 pandemic J Addict Med PubMed

Ng C, Chayama KL, Krüsi A, Small W, Knight R Perspectives of HIV-positive and -negative people who use drugs regarding the criminalization of HIV non-disclosure in Canada: a qualitative study BMC Public Health PubMed