Nur Afiqah (Iqa) Mohd Salleh
BCCSU > Nur Afiqah (Iqa) Mohd Salleh
Blumenkrans E, Hamilton J, Mohd Salleh NA, Kaida A, Small W, Barrios R, Milloy MJ HIV and incarceration: implications for HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs during a seek, test, treat, and retain initiative in Canada J Correct Health Care PubMed
Mitra S, Grant C, Nolan S, Mohd Salleh NA, Milloy MJ, Richardson L Assessing the temporality between transitions onto opioid agonist therapy and engagement with antiretroviral therapy in a cohort of HIV-positive people who use opioids daily AIDS Behav PubMed
Mohd Salleh NA, Voon P, Karamouzian M, Milloy MJ, Richardson L Methadone maintenance therapy service components linked to improvements in HIV care cascade outcomes: a systematic review of trials and observational studies Drug Alcohol Depend PubMed
Salleh NAM, Van Draanen J, Nosova E, Barrios R, Milloy MJ, Richardson L Material security and adherence to antiretroviral therapy (ART) among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs AIDS PubMed
Adams J, Marshall B, Mohd Salleh NA, Barrios R, Nolan S, Milloy MJ Receipt of opioid agonist treatment halves the risk of HIV-1 RNA viral load rebound through improved ART adherence for HIV-infected women who use illicit drugs Drug Alcohol Depend PubMed
Mohd Salleh NA, Fairbairn N, Nolan S, Barrios R, Shoveller J, Richardson L, Milloy MJ Dispensation of antiretroviral therapy and methadone maintenance therapy at the same facility in a low-barrier setting linked to optimal adherence to HIV treatment HIV Med PubMed
Ickowicz S, Mohd Salleh NA, Fairbairn N, Richardson L, Small W, Milloy MJ Criminal justice system involvement as a risk factor for detectable plasma HIV viral load in people who use illicit drugs: a longitudinal cohort study AIDS Behav PubMed
Yeung B, Mohd Salleh NA, Socías ME, Dong H, Shoveller J, Montaner J, Milloy MJ Prevalence and correlates of reporting difficulty taking antiretroviral treatment among HIV-positive illicit drug users in Vancouver, Canada: a longitudinal analysis AIDS Behav PubMed
Mohd Salleh NA, Richardson L, Kerr T, Shoveller J, Montaner J, Kamarulzaman A, Milloy MJ A longitudinal analysis of daily pill burden and likelihood of optimal adherence to antiretroviral therapy among people living with HIV who use drugs J Addict Med PubMed