Cheng T, Small W, Nosova E, Hogg R, Hayashi K, Kerr T, DeBeck K Overdose risk and acquiring opioids for nonmedical use exclusively from physicians in Vancouver, Canada Subst Use Misuse PubMed
Cheng T, Nosova E, Small W, Hogg R, Hayashi K, DeBeck K A gender-based analysis of nonmedical prescription opioid use among people who use illicit drugs Addict Behav PubMed
Cheng T, Small W, Nosova E, Hogg RS, Hayashi K, Kerr T, DeBeck K Nonmedical prescription opioid use and illegal drug use: initiation trajectory and related risks among people who use illegal drugs in Vancouver, Canada BMC Res Notes PubMed
Patterson S, Kaida A, Ogilvie G, Hogg R, Nicholson V, Dobrer S, Kerr T, Shoveller J, Montaner J, Milloy MJ Awareness and understanding of HIV non-disclosure case law among people living with HIV who use illicit drugs in a Canadian setting Int J Drug Policy PubMed
Collins AB, Parashar S, Hogg RS, Fernando S, Worthington C, McDougall P, Turje RB, McNeil R Integrated HIV care and service engagement among people living with HIV who use drugs in a setting with a community-wide treatment as prevention initiative: a qualitative study in Vancouver, Canada J Int AIDS Soc PubMed
Parashar S, Collins AB, Montaner JS, Hogg RS, Milloy MJ Reducing rates of preventable HIV/AIDS-associated mortality among people living with HIV who inject drugs Curr Opin HIV AIDS PubMed
Escudero DJ, Marshall BD, Kerr T, Hayashi K, Feng C, Guillemi SA, Hogg RS, Montaner J, Wood E, Milloy MJ No association between HIV status and risk of non-fatal overdose among people who inject drugs in Vancouver, Canada Addict Behav PubMed
Patterson S, Kaida A, Nguyen P, Dobrer S, Ogilvie G, Hogg R, Kerr T, Montaner J, Wood E, Milloy MJ. Prevalence and predictors of facing a legal obligation to disclose HIV serostatus to sexual partners among people living with HIV who inject drugs in a Canadian setting: a cross sectional analysis CMAJ Open PubMed
Marshall BDL, Elston B, Dobrer S, Parashar S, Hogg RS, Montaner JSG, Kerr T, Wood E, Milloy MJ The population impact of eliminating homelessness on HIV viral suppression among people who use drugs AIDS PubMed
Milloy MJ, Wood E, Kerr T, Hogg B, Guillemi S, Harrigan PR, Montaner J Increased prevalence of controlled viremia and decreased rates of HIV drug resistance among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs during a community-wide Treatment-as-Prevention initiative Clin Infect Dis PubMed
Your ticket for the: Increased prevalence of controlled viremia and decreased rates of HIV drug resistance among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs during a community-wide Treatment-as-Prevention initiative
Increased prevalence of controlled viremia and decreased rates of HIV drug resistance among HIV-positive people who use illicit drugs during a community-wide Treatment-as-Prevention initiative