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Socías ME, Choi JC, Fairbairn N, Johnson C, Wilson D, DeBeck K, Brar R, Hayashi K Impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on enrollment in medications for opioid use disorder (MOUD) in Vancouver, Canada: an interrupted time series analysis Int J Drug Policy PubMed

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Moshkforoush M, DeBeck K, Brar R, Fairbairn N, Cui Z, Milloy MJ, Buxton J, Oldenburger T, McLellan W, Kendall P, Sedgemore K, Wilson D, Kerr T, Hayashi K Low awareness of risk mitigation prescribing in response to dual crises of COVID-19 and overdose deaths among people who use unregulated drugs in Vancouver, Canada Harm Reduct J PubMed