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Goytan A, Lee W, Dong H, Hayashi K, Milloy MJ, Kerr T The impact of PTSD on service access among people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada Subst Abuse Treat Prev Policy PubMed

Mitra S, Lee W, Hayashi K, Boyd J, Milloy MJ, Dong H, Wood E, Kerr T A gender comparative analysis of post-traumatic stress disorder among a community-based cohort of people who use drugs in Vancouver, Canada Addict Behav Link

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Lee WK, Milloy MJ, Walsh J, Nguyen P, Wood E, Kerr T Psychosocial factors in adherence to antiretroviral therapy among HIV-positive people who use drugs Health Psychol PubMed

Lee W, Ti L, Marshall BD, Dong H, Wood E, Kerr T Childhood sexual abuse and syringe sharing among people who inject drugs AIDS Behav PubMed

Lee WK, Ti L, Hayashi K, Kaplan K, Suwannawong P, Wood E, Kerr T Assisted injection among people who inject drugs in Thailand Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention, and Policy PubMed