“What’s New in Addiction Nursing?” [Volume 15]

‘Don’t Eat the Brown Acid’: Reducing Harms of Recreational Substance Use at Mass Gathering Events

Justina Doerksen
Addiction Nurse Practitioner Fellow, BC Centre on Substance Use
September 4, 12pm – 1pm
St. Paul’s Hospital, Cullen Family Lecture Theatre

This free series is geared towards the needs and interests of individuals operating in a healthcare or research setting, however, the public and other interested stakeholders are welcome and encouraged to attend.

Learning Objectives:
1) Define the potential harms inherent at large outdoor festivals, particularly those relating to attendee demographics and substance use patterns.

2) Outline how drug checking, education, medical support and other harm reduction services can reduce harms associated with recreational substance use at outdoor festivals, with special emphasis on the current climate of fentanyl, novel psychoactive agents, and increasing polysubstance use.

3) Identify information-sharing policies and best practices implemented by individual festivals and international communities for which universal adoption might further improve harm reduction efficacy

A light lunch will be provided. We strongly encourage guests to RSVP as soon as possible to ensure sufficient food and space. (Please note that you will not need to bring your registration ticket(s) to the event.)


Can’t make it in person? Our lectures are now being streamed live! Register for the webcast here:

If you have any questions about event logistics, please contact Adrina Halket at [email protected].

Book Online

Cullen Family Lecture Theatre, St. Paul's Hospital

The Cullen Family Lecture Theatre is located in room 1477 on the first floor of the Providence Building.

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