B.C. police chief association says it no longer supports drug decriminalization pilot project
published on December 13, 2024 by Srushti Gangdev in CityNews Vancouver
The BC Association of Chiefs of Police (BCACP) says it no longer supports the province’s drug decriminalization pilot project.
“While the BCACP was open to the notion of decriminalization as one potential tool to achieve these goals, recent developments have prompted a re-evaluation of its effectiveness in the current context,” the group said.
“Based on evidence and ongoing evaluation, we no longer view decriminalization as a primary mechanism for addressing the systemic challenges associated with substance use.”
The police chiefs are calling for more investments in health care and solutions that “balance public safety with public health” to combat the crisis.
But Kora DeBeck, a professor at SFU’s School of Public Policy, says the chiefs are conflating the effects of decriminalization with street disorder…
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